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How long is my quote valid for?
All our quotes are valid for a period of 14 days, after which a requote will be required.  Equipment and services are not guaranteed until our quotation is confirmed in writing and you have accepted it in writing.

A taxing question…
All prices are quoted exclusive of local taxes (for instance, VAT in the UK or Australian GST).  All taxes and charges will be displayed on our tax invoice, and must be paid at the same time as the rest of our fees.

Are you insured?
All equipment is hired on the basis that the client is responsible for all theft, loss, or damage. We recommend that you get production insurance for the full replacement value of our gear. If anything is stolen, lost, or broken whilst the equipment is away fro our warehouse, we will invoice for the full replacement value of the equipment as well as any lost revenue whilst the equipment is out of our inventory.  All charges will need to be paid within 7 days of our invoice. Any delays in payment will also incur additional charges for our gear not being available to be hired.

Pay Up!
Our payment terms are very important to us, as good cash flow looks after us (and our suppliers). Our terms are vital to our agreement to supply services to you, so please make sure you take them seriously! If you would like to negotiate a different payment arrangement, please speak to your Account Manager PRIOR to the final price being agreed. For larger projects, we will propose a payment schedule.

For jobs with a total value of more than USD $5, 000, our terms are:-
25% deposit to confirm
75% 7 days prior to bump in.

​For a total value of less than USD$5, 000, payment is required in full before the event /shoot.

Finance Charges:
For any invoices not paid as per our payment terms, we reserve the right to charge a one off administration fee of $350, and a late fee of 1.5% of the total project fee per month or part thereof until the invoice is paid in full. Clients also agree to pay the costs of any recovery action (including legal and court costs) that we need to take.

Payment Method:
Our preferred payment method is direct bank transfer – our invoices have our bank details on them. We also accept credit cards (Amex, Visa, and MasterCard).  A surcharge of 3% is applicable to credit card payments.

Our ideas:
We think our ideas are damn good, and they are what sets us apart from our competition. Any ideas or concepts contained within our written proposals or discussed during our meetings remain the copyright of us at all times. If you don’t use us, then please don’t use our ideas – we will have to invoice you for our creative work if you do!

Clients should note that Damn Good maintains the copyright in all our work. Our usual practice is to license our work to our Client for their non-exclusive use in the territories for which the work was produced (basically this means we let you use it wherever you would like). However, we retain all original and master material, and we reserve the right to use this material for promotional or other non-conflicting use.  We specifically do not release original material for use by other production companies (such as editing), and we do not authorize our Clients to use master material for duplication by others. If you wish to use our videos in any way that contravenes our standard Copyright Policy, please make sure you discuss this with us PRIOR to us commencing any work as this will affect our quote to you.

Not Included:
Our quotes do not include venue costs, airfares, accommodation, meals, transfers, power, or other sundry expenses not expressly included above. Any costs incurred in doing a job, such as parking fees or fines, will be added to the final bill, and are not included in our quote.

Estimated costs:
Labour and equipment charges have been estimated on the brief we were supplied.  Whilst Damn Good makes every effort to ensure final charges are the same as cost estimates, additional labour and equipment may be required under circumstances such as variations in event or bump in / out times, on-site changes or altered room access times. Labour charges will be reduced in the final invoice if less time is required than initially indicated.  Any on-site equipment requests by the client will be added to the final invoice.

Cancel Culture:
As with most businesses, most of our effort goes into a job before it even happens, and so we need to charge a cancellation fee should a project for any reason.  Our cancellation policy is as follows:
25%     from date of deposit invoice
50%     between confirmation and 4 weeks prior to project start date

75%     4 weeks to 1 week prior to project start date
100%   1 week or less prior to start date

In the case of a government-mandated COVID-19 last minute cancellation, we will approach each job on a project by project basis - contact your account manager to discuss.

"Project start" is the commencement of work on the project, including pre-production.

Last minute requests:
In certain circumstances, clients request services at short notice – in these instances, Damn Good will do whatever we can, however clients must acknowledge that last minute requests incur higher costs than usual. Clients agree that we may not be able to provide written quotes at short notice, however your instruction to us to provide the service constitutes your agreement to pay us for these services. Please note that we are sometimes unable to make client contact prior to additional costs being incurred (such as after hours labour), however the client agrees to pay these costs regardless.  The instruction to procure the  last minute equipment or services is your agreement to pay these costs, whatever they may be.


Damn Good Productions


213 Edgeware Road, Newtown, NSW 2042






(+61 2 9699 5553)

Copyright © 2024 Damn Good Productions Australia Pty Ltd

ABN 67 635 195 603

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